Fullstaq Ruby: First impressions, and how to migrate your Docker/Kubernetes Ruby apps today
08-Aug-2019 1888
Fullstaq Ruby is a custom build of standard MRI Ruby interpreter with memory allocator replaced, security patches applied, and more goodies on the way.If some old timers are here, they can remember REE–Ruby Enterprise Edition–from ancient times of Ruby 1.8.7 and Ruby on Rails 2.2 (almost ten years ago!). Ah, good ol’ times! You could install it via RVM or Rbenv, and some legacy applications are still running on it or have been just recently migrated. REE has a dozen of different patches on top of Ruby 1.8.7 to improve performance, reduce memory consumption, adjust obsolete security settings, and so on.
Fullstaq Ruby: First impressions, and how to migrate your Docker/Kubernetes Ruby apps today #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Fullstaq #Ruby: #First #impressions, #migrate #Docker/Kubernetes #today #docker/kubernetes https://rubyonrails.ba/link/fullstaq-ruby-first-impressions-and-how-to-migrate-your-docker-kubernetes-ruby-apps-today