Exploring Metaprogramming in Ruby
11-Jun-2020 1848
Metaprogramming is an integral part of Ruby, more so than in any other language. Many frameworks and libraries rely on it, so if you want to know how those tools function, you will have to learn what goes on under the hood. Learning the basics of metaprogramming will not only help you discover the foundations that your code lays upon, but will also help you understand the Ruby object model better.This article is aimed at intermediate Ruby developers, but most of it should also be readable by the general programmer audience regardless of their knowledge of Ruby. It should take you about 20 minutes to read and understand.
Exploring Metaprogramming in Ruby #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Exploring #Metaprogramming https://rubyonrails.ba/link/exploring-metaprogramming-in-ruby