Don't make me think, or why I switched to Rails from JavaScript SPAs
21-Feb-2022 3001
I picked Ruby on Rails over React-based SPA to build Reviewbunny and it was wonderful. I didn't procrastinate determining the perfect setup or choosing dependencies. Instead, I procrastinated after having finished the MVP. I'd rather do the latter!I still enjoy React, but why is it so much harder to create apps in the JavaScript ecosystem, compared to Rails? We have all the necessary tools after all.I think it all comes down to this. When I start a new JavaScript app, I have to make a lot of decisions on my own. I don't want to, but reality is, I have to.
Don't make me think, or why I switched to Rails from JavaScript SPAs #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Don't #think, #switched #Rails #JavaScript #javascript