Danger on Rails: make robots do some code review for you!
04-Jul-2019 1991
We, developers, spend an essential part of our work time doing code reviews. Sometimes much more time than writing code. And even spending hours couldn't save you from missing some potential problems in pull requests.We're just people, we do make mistakes, especially when dealing with routine tasks.Who loves doing boring things, and (almost) does not make mistakes? Robots! 🤖In this article, I want to introduce a robot which can help you with code reviews. Its name is Danger (or more precisely, her name).
Danger on Rails: make robots do some code review for you! #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Danger #Rails: #robots #review #code https://rubyonrails.ba/link/danger-on-rails-make-robots-do-some-code-review-for-you