CRuby, MRI, JRuby, RubySpec, Rubinius, YARV: A Little Bit of Ruby Naming
12-Jan-2018 3369
If you've spent a little time in Ruby-land, you have have encountered the names "CRuby" or "MRI". You've almost certainly heard of JRuby, and perhaps a few "other" Rubies like Rubinius, TruffleRuby and maybe even a few "exotic" Rubies like Opal, IronRuby, MacRuby or MagLev.
CRuby, MRI, JRuby, RubySpec, Rubinius, YARV: A Little Bit of Ruby Naming #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #CRuby, #JRuby, #RubySpec, #Rubinius, #YARV: #Little #Naming #jruby,