Creating a VOD (Video On Demand) Platform with Rails
06-Oct-2021 1500
Recently, I started working on a project where I wanted to allow users to upload videos, then allow them and other users to playback those videos. I was able to find numerous tutorials showing how to make Youtube clones in rails, but nearly every tutorial went along the lines of "upload video as .mp4, save the video to storage, play back video as mp4".While this approach can work in limited instances, it has some serious drawbacks. For one, mp4 files have no way to truly be streamed. Sure, there's modern tricks to fragment mp4 files to give the illusion of streaming, but this solution hardly holds up in low bandwidth network settings, and mobile support can be hit or miss.
Creating a VOD (Video On Demand) Platform with Rails #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Creating #(Video #Demand) #Platform #Rails