Continuously deploy a Jekyll generated static site to Firebase with Gitlab in under 6 minutes.
23-Mar-2020 1908
There comes a time when a software developer either wants acknowledgement, build an online presence or just show how cool he/she/it is. Myself? I just wanted to give back to the newcomers who seek knowledge, as I once did, and I still do, every time I open a browser or a book.To solve that I decided to create a blog, and there I found Jekyll, a fantastic tool to develop fast, reliable websites. It generates pure HTML, but it can also be integrated with 3rd party tools like Disqus (comment section). Writing content for Jekyll is straight forward: write some markdown, build and check your site, and you’re ready to push.
Continuously deploy a Jekyll generated static site to Firebase with Gitlab in under 6 minutes. #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Continuously #deploy #Jekyll #generated #static #Firebase #Gitlab #under #6 minutes. #deploy