Bundler is Built Into Ruby 2.6.0preview3
27-Nov-2018 1850
Big Bundler changes are coming for Ruby 2.6 preview 3. No, not the really huge RubyGems 3 and 4 changes. Also not the Bundler 2.0 changes where Gemfile changes name to gems.rb. Those are still in the future, mostly.No, preview3 is where Bundler got merged into Ruby proper. They’ve been working on it for awhile. When you build the Ruby source code, you get a Bundler executable right inside Ruby. It’s a lot like rdoc or irb now. It can also have better integration with RubyGems, which has been part of core Ruby since Ruby 1.9.You could be joining your relatives to eat Thanksgiving leftovers as you listen to Uncle Bob’s highly-political take on the US President tear-gassing asylum seekers, or you could be reading arcane Bundler minutiae. I think we both know which is more pleasant.
Bundler is Built Into Ruby 2.6.0preview3 #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Bundler #Built #2.6.0preview3 #bundler https://rubyonrails.ba/link/bundler-is-built-into-ruby-2-6-0preview3