Bringing the power of Webpacker to any web framework.
15-Nov-2018 2379
Bringing the impressive work of the Rails' Webpacker project to be available for frameworks other than Rails. This is done by mocking the minimal amount of Rails for the Webpacker's Rake commands to be able to run.Webpacker itself takes Webpack, which has a primary focus for pre-processing JavaScript related code, and make pre-processing other kinds of files such as Css, Sass, Images, Vue, React, CoffeeScript, and other similar content as simple as a couple very minor edits. Without Webpacker you would need to go through quite a bit of extra work to get Webpack to handle non JS items.
Bringing the power of Webpacker to any web framework. #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Bringing #power #Webpacker #framework. #framework. #webpacker