Breaking the Monolith at Twitch: Part One | Twitch Blog
05-May-2022 1135
About the Author: My name is Mario Izquierdo, and I’ve been a Full Stack Engineer at Twitch since 2017. I’ve worked in a variety of systems in my time here, including the public API, infrastructure, and tools for services.First, let’s define some of the terms we will be using:Monoliths are a single build of unified code. Every service and feature in the code is built into one large system. They usually share the same server, file system, and database. Monoliths work well for smaller teams that need to move fast.Microservices, on the other hand, are smaller modules of code, each with their own function and focus. Every module is a separate application that usually lives on its own server, communicating with each other through APIs. Microservices work well for large organizations that need to set boundaries between smaller groups.
Breaking the Monolith at Twitch: Part One | Twitch Blog #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Breaking #Monolith #Twitch: #Twitch #blog #monolith