Better support for C extensions in TruffleRuby
08-Feb-2019 2422
We think it is crucial that any alternative Ruby implementation aiming to be fully compatible with MRI runs the C extensions. TruffleRuby's compatibility was recently significantly improved, with much better support that almost completely removes the need to patch C extensions.We've been able to support C extensions in TruffleRuby for a long time now, but we've always had to patch them while building the C for them to work. We've just added much better support which almost completely removes the need to patch extensions. In this article I'll explain how Truffle based languages can support polyglot calls, how C extensions used to work in TruffleRuby, how they now work, and what the remaining differences are with MRI.
Better support for C extensions in TruffleRuby #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Better #support #extensions #TruffleRuby