Benchmarking CRuby, MJIT, YJIT, JRuby and TruffleRuby · On the Edge of Ruby
06-Jan-2022 1532
In this blog post we benchmark many Ruby versions and the latest Ruby Just-in-Time compilers (JITs) on the newest Ruby benchmark suite, yjit-bench. As a teaser, the geometric mean speedups compared to CRuby 3.1 on these 14 benchmarks are: MJIT 1.26x, YJIT 1.39x, JRuby 1.86x and TruffleRuby 6.23x. Read on to find more about the benchmarks and gain insights on these speedups. This blog post is also available on Medium.
Benchmarking CRuby, MJIT, YJIT, JRuby and TruffleRuby · On the Edge of Ruby #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Benchmarking #CRuby, #MJIT, #YJIT, #JRuby #TruffleRuby #benchmarking #jruby