All Your Mailer Views in One Place
20-Feb-2020 2154
One of the greatest things that Rails provides to developers is a sensible set of defaults for where stuff goes in the file hierarchy. The standard approach to app/models, app/mailers, app/views, config, etc., allows us to arrive at a Rails project and quickly understand where existing code is and where to place our new code.I’m therefore loathe to deviate from the defaults, but I do make one exception: email view templates. They live in the same part of the folder hierarchy as the web views tied to Controllers, e.g. the views for whatever_mailer are found in app/views/whatever_mailer, even though your application’s Mailers are in a different location to your Controllers.
All Your Mailer Views in One Place #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Mailer #Views #Place