ActiveAdmin v4 Beta: New Features, Upgrades, and How to Migrate
19-Oct-2024 428
ActiveAdmin has been a popular administrative framework in the Ruby on Rails ecosystem for over a decade. It provides developers with a quick and efficient way to build administrative interfaces with minimal code.
With the release of ActiveAdmin v4 Beta, the tool has seen substantial upgrades, introducing new features and improvements to streamline admin dashboard development, boost performance, and improve the overall developer experience.
In this post, we'll explore the major changes and enhancements in ActiveAdmin v4 Beta, the process for upgrading from earlier versions, and practical examples to get the most out of the new features.
ActiveAdmin v4 Beta: New Features, Upgrades, and How to Migrate #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #ActiveAdmin #Beta: #Features, #Upgrades, #Migrate #activeadmin #upgrades,