A tiny, zero dependency, and easy to test helper for sending text messages with Twilio
28-Sep-2019 1984
Twilio's full on Ruby library does a lot, and has a large memory footprint—too large for just sending an SMS. It's also more difficult to mock and verify than I'd like for a simple task like sending an individual SMS.Using Twilio's REST API directly is fine, but can be cumbersome.Twilito is just enough of a wrapper to abstract away the REST API without loading the rest of the Twilio ecosystem.
A tiny, zero dependency, and easy to test helper for sending text messages with Twilio #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #tiny, #dependency, #helper #sending #messages #Twilio #test https://rubyonrails.ba/link/a-tiny-zero-dependency-and-easy-to-test-helper-for-sending-text-messages-with-twilio