A Simpler Rails Benchmark, Puma and Concurrency
16-May-2019 2036
I’ve been working on a simpler Rails benchmark for Ruby, which I’m calling RSB, for awhile here. I’m very happy with how it’s shaping up. Based on Rails Ruby Bench, I’m guessing it’ll take quite some time before I feel like it’s done, but I’m finding some interesting things with it. And isn’t that what’s important?Here’s an interesting thing: not every Rails app is equal when it comes to concurrency and threading - not every Rails app wants the same number of threads per process. And it’s not a tiny, subtle difference. It can be quite dramatic.(Just want to see the graphs? I love graphs. You can scroll down and skip all the explanation. I’m cool with that.).
A Simpler Rails Benchmark, Puma and Concurrency #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Simpler #Rails #Benchmark, #Concurrency #benchmark, #puma https://rubyonrails.ba/link/a-simpler-rails-benchmark-puma-and-concurrency