A reliable and robust messaging bus for Ruby and Rack
30-Apr-2020 1764
A reliable, robust messaging bus for Ruby processes and web clients.MessageBus implements a Server to Server channel based protocol and Server to Web Client protocol (using polling, long-polling or long-polling streaming)Since long-polling is implemented using Rack Hijack and Thin::Async, all common Ruby web servers (Thin, Puma, Unicorn, Passenger) can run MessageBus and handle a large number of concurrent connections that wait on messages.MessageBus is implemented as Rack middleware and can be used by any Rails / Sinatra or pure Rack application.Read the generated docs: https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/message_bus.
A reliable and robust messaging bus for Ruby and Rack #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #reliable #robust #messaging https://rubyonrails.ba/link/a-reliable-and-robust-messaging-bus-for-ruby-and-rack