A good, simple, solid tagging extension for ActiveRecord.
15-Jul-2021 1566
A good, simple, solid tagging extension for ActiveRecord.This was initially built partly as a proof-of-concept, partly to see how a tagging gem could work when it's not all stuffed within models, and partly just because I wanted a simpler tagging library. It's now a solid little tagging Rails engine.If you want to know more, read this blog post, or have a look at the Examples page in the wiki (which includes a starting point for accepting tag values in a form).
A good, simple, solid tagging extension for ActiveRecord. #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #good, #simple, #solid #tagging #extension #ActiveRecord. #activerecord. https://rubyonrails.ba/link/a-good-simple-solid-tagging-extension-for-activerecord