A Docker "hello world" app - Code with Jason
29-Oct-2021 1212
In this tutorial we’re going to illustrate what I consider to be Docker’s central and most magical ability: to let you run software on your computer that you don’t actually have installed on your computer.The specific software we’re going to run is the Lisp REPL (read-evaluate-print loop). The reason I chose Lisp is because you’re unlikely to happen to have Lisp already installed. If I had chosen to use a language that you might already have installed on your computer, like Ruby or Python, the illustration would lose much of its sizzle.Here are the steps we’re going to carry out. Don’t worry if you don’t understand each step right now because we’re going to be looking at each step in detail as we go.
A Docker "hello world" app - Code with Jason #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Docker #"hello #world" #Jason #code #docker https://rubyonrails.ba/link/a-docker-hello-world-app-code-with-jason