A caching plugin for graphql-ruby
25-Apr-2019 1726
At StackShare we've been rolling out graphql-ruby for several of our new features and found ourselves in need of a caching solution. We could have simply used Rails.cache in our resolvers, but this creates very verbose types or resolver classes. It also means that each and every resolver must define it's own expiration and key. GraphQL Cache solves that problem by integrating caching functionality into the graphql-ruby resolution process making caching transparent on most fields except for a metadata flag denoting the field as cached. More details on our motivation for creating this here.
A caching plugin for graphql-ruby #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #caching #plugin #graphql-ruby #plugin https://rubyonrails.ba/link/a-caching-plugin-for-graphql-ruby