60 Free Books on Big Data, Data Science, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Python, R, and more
08-May-2017 3596
Pulled from the web, here is a great collection of eBooks. While every single book in this list is provided for free, if you find any particularly helpful consider purchasing the printed version. The authors spent a great deal of time putting these resources together and I’m sure they would all appreciate the support!.
60 Free Books on Big Data, Data Science, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Python, R, and more #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Books #Data, #Science, #Mining, #Machine #Learning, #Python, #learning, #machine #python, https://rubyonrails.ba/link/60-free-books-on-big-data-data-science-data-mining-machine-learning-python-r-and-more