42 performance tips for Ruby on Rails
01-Feb-2019 456
Since Ruby on Rails is not the fastest web framework out there you sometimes need to improve the performance in order to keep up. This post will list 42 of my favorite performance tips for making your app faster.TLDRThis is very long so here are my personal favorites if you don’t feel like reading the whole thing:Use rack-mini-profilerPuma tuningUse the Google pagespeed moduleEliminate N 1 queriesUse proper indexes for full text searchPage and Action cachingUse a fast JSON gemTry a timed cacheUse a faster language for jobs.
42 performance tips for Ruby on Rails #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #performance #Rails #performance https://rubyonrails.ba/link/42-performance-tips-for-ruby-on-rails