22 most popular Rails repositories on GitHub in June 2019
26-Jun-2019 1795
Some people say that Summer is a low period when most of the people take vacations and the overall activity is dying. The same theory might be applied to developers. But here is a contrasting point - developers are passionate people and they will hardly go anywhere without their laptops. So even being on a vacation (palms, seashore, sun, and cocktails), they would still browse for some news and code something... Today all the devs got a jackpot - a new issue of my 'Monthly trending Ruby on Rails repositories' digest with a Ruby gem to bundle gems, a syntax highlighter, a framework for website administration, a gem to define behaviors between classes and many other great open source Ruby/Rails projects on GitHub!.
22 most popular Rails repositories on GitHub in June 2019 #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #popular #Rails #repositories #GitHub #github https://rubyonrails.ba/link/22-most-popular-rails-repositories-on-github-in-june-2019