14 tools and gems every Ruby developer would love: My favorite for Ruby feedback loops, performance and debugging, and data management
29-Mar-2024 756
Ruby is my favorite programming language, thanks to the expressiveness, the focus on developer happiness and one of the best language communities out there. As a Ruby developer, I can get into a flow at will.Another big part of Ruby’s shine: the rich ecosystem of gems and tools surrounding it.Over the years, I have accumulated quite the toolbox when it comes to working with Ruby. Here are some of my personal favorites tools and gems. (I tried not to focus too much on Rails, but obviously Rails occupies a significant space in the Ruby world, so it’s hard to avoid.).
14 tools and gems every Ruby developer would love: My favorite for Ruby feedback loops, performance and debugging, and data management #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #tools #every #developer #would #love: #favorite #feedback #loops, #performance #debugging, #management #developer #gems #performance https://rubyonrails.ba/link/14-tools-and-gems-every-ruby-developer-would-love-my-favorite-for-ruby-feedback-loops-performance-and-debugging-and-data-management