Getting rspec/capybara browser console output for failed tests – Bibliographic Wilderness
I am writing some code that does some smoke tests with capybara in a browser of some Javascript code. Frustratingly, it was failing when run in CI on Github Actions, in ways that I could not reproduce locally. (Of course it ended up being a config...
Debugging Rails in Docker. With the rise of containerization…
With the rise of containerization, Docker has become a popular solution for isolating application environments. This is especially useful when developing and deploying Rails applications. Managing a Rails app and its databases in separate containe...
ActiveStorage Direct Upload with Stimulus | Rails Designer
ActiveStorage’s DirectUpload feature allows files to be directly uploaded to your Cloud’s storage without touching your app’s server.In two previous articles I explored first previewing images before upload and then a drag & drop feature. In this ...
Deploy Multiple Rails Apps To the Same Server with Puma + Nginx
How to deploy multiple Rails apps on a single server using Puma and Nginx, with detailed setup steps and configurations. If Kamal is not for you then this article is for you. There’s a lot of my opinions in this article, feel free to jump to the s...
Rails Adds The Ability To Ignore Counter Cache Columns While They Are Backfilling | Saeloun Blog
Rails counter_cache is a powerful feature designed to optimize performance by efficiently tracking the number of associated records for a given model.By storing the count of associated records in a dedicated integer column directly within the pare...
“Gilded Rose” refactoring kata in Ruby — as if it is 2024
Recently, I didn’t have time or resource for serious writing. I had plans for several long articles for the summer that gone, but unfortunately not many have came of that. But last night I have stumbled upon famous (so it seems, though I have neve...