Increase Your Rails Application Reporting Speed by 10x with Sunspot's Stored Values
In my previous post I introduced Solr and Sunspot along with a basic use case to get up and running with Rails. Here, I’ll dive in to what originally brought me to Sunspot, stored attributes. Wouldn’t it be great if you could dynamically generate ...
Making a Rails Health Check that doesn't hit the database
In a production application you usually have many servers, and each of those servers gets checked periodically to make sure they're still healthy and working as expected. When they are, requests can be routed at them by your load balancer. If a se...
How to Reduce Controller Bloat with Interactors in Ruby
Let's consider a hypothetical situation — You've been working on a Rails application for about a year. When the application was new and its functionality limited, you could add features relatively simply by spinning up a new controller, model and ...
Interview With Ruby on Rails Creator David Heinemeier Hansson
I've been all Mac since about 2002, I believe. I use a 5K iMac on my desk and a Macbook for travel. For editor, I'm on TextMate 2. I only just switched from TextMate 1.5 a few months ago when an OS X update broke something in it. That editor was ...
Examining The Internals Of The Rails Request/Response Cycle
Come with me on a journey through the internals of Rails, as we trace a request from the web server to the controller action method, and follow the response back again. This will give you a glimpse of how Rails works under the hood, hopefully expo...