How to Clear Out Your Controllers and Models with Waterfall Gem
Fat models and large actions have always been a problem for Rails developers, service objects came to help us but sometimes it feels like we just move the bad and hard to follow the code from controllers to plain ruby objects. But Waterfall gem se...
Passenger 5.1.11: support for High Sierra, HTTP/2, new features
Version 5.1.11 also contains a number of improvements and fixes we've been working on since 5.1.8. It is compatible with the recently released macOS 10.13, has HTTP/2 support turned on by default, and introduces a new feature for Heroku/Enterprise...
Passenger 5.1.6: new packages for Zesty, Debian Stretch, Nginx
Version 5.1.6 of the Passenger application server for Ruby, Node.js, Meteor and Python has been released. It features updated packages to cover an Nginx security issue. We also supply a dynamic version of the Passenger Nginx module through APT pac...
Two tests you should run against your Ruby project now
I had the fortune of attending the wonderful Brighton Ruby conference last week. It was full of excellent advice, wisdom and code. There was one talk, however, that urged me to go home and do something straight away to ensure the security and usab...