Why does Rails 6 include both Webpacker and Sprockets?
Since you're reading this post, chances are you've heard Rails 6 installs both Webpacker and Sprockets and you're wondering WTF is going on. By the way, it's a whole May of WTFs for Rails.Wait, don't Sprockets and Webpacker basically do the same t...
The Secret to Rails OO Design - Literate Programming
I often tell people that I learned Ruby via Rails. This is pretty much the worst way to do it, but I'd learned so many programming languages by then that it didn't hinder me too much. The one thing that it did do, however, was give me a slightly t...
Ruby adds experimental support for end-less method definition
Ruby has added a new method definition syntax as an experimental feature.As to why:Ruby syntax is full of “end”s. I’m paranoid that the ends end Ruby. I hope Ruby is endless. So, I’d like to propose a new method definition syntax.- mame (Yusuke En...