Logidze 1.0: Active Record, Postgres, Rails, and time travel
Logidze is a Ruby library to track Active Record changes: whenever a record is updated in the underlying PostgreSQL database, Logidze stores the difference between the old and the new state, allowing you to time travel to any point in the record’s...
A scientific, systematic methodology for solving any programming problem - Code with Jason
In order to fix any problem, you need to know two things:What exactly is wrongHow to fix itThe beautiful thing is that if you have the right answers for both the two items above, you’re guaranteed to fix the problem. If your fix doesn’t work, then...
Rails 6.1 allows per environment configuration support for Active Storage
Rails 6.1 allows environment-specific configuration files to set up Active Storage.In development, the config/storage/development.yml file will take precedence over the config/storage.yml file. Similarly, in production, the config/storage/producti...
Nested factories in Factory Bot: what they are and how to use them - Code with Jason
Let’s use the following as an example. Let’s say that in the majority of your application’s tests that involve a User, you want just a regular old user. Maybe you have 30 such tests.But for a handful of tests you want to use a special kind of user...