A small Ruby gem with big ideas about business logic.
Navigable is a stand-alone tool for isolating business logic from external interfaces and cross-cutting concerns. Navigable composes self-configured command and observer objects to allow you to extend your business logic without modifying it. Navi...
Redirect ActiveRecord (Rails) reads to replica databases while ensuring all writes go to the primary database.
active_record_replica redirects all database reads to replica instances while ensuring that all writes go to the primary database. active_record_replica ensures that any reads that are performed within a database transaction are by default directe...
ruby gem for validating credit card numbers, generating valid numbers, luhn checks
Gem adds validator to check whether or not a given number actually falls within the ranges of possible numbers prior to performing such verification, and, as such, CreditCardValidations simply verifies that the credit card number provided is well-...
Fast computation of descriptive statistics in ruby using native code and SIMD
This gem provides fast computation of descriptive statistics (min, max, mean, median, 1st and 3rd quartiles, population standard deviation) for a multivariate dataset (represented as a 2D array) in ruby.It is ~11x faster than an optimal algorithm ...
Write your ActionMailer email templates in Markdown, send in html and plain text
Markdown for your ActionMailer-generated emails. Supports Rails 5.0 Also due to the way it's implemented it extends markdown support for any other view you want to look for. It could be called markdown-rails or something, but this is what I named ...