Collection of filters that transform plain text into HTML code.
Collection of filters that transform plain text into HTML code. - dejan/auto_html: Collection of filters that transform plain text into HTML code.AutoHtml uses concepts found in "Pipes and Filters" processing design pattern:Filter - transforms an ...
One-way pipe, composable, rack application builder
web_pipe is a builder of composable rack applications through a pipe of functions on an immutable struct.web_pipe plays incredibly well with hanami 2. If you want to create a hanami 2 app with web_pipe, you can take inspiration from this sample to...
rails/kredis: Higher-level data structures built on Redis
Kredis (Keyed Redis) encapsulates higher-level types and data structures around a single key, so you can interact with them as coherent objects rather than isolated procedural commands. These higher-level structures can be configured as attributes...
discourse/rails_multisite: Multi tenancy for Rails applications
Multi tenancy for Rails applications. Contribute to discourse/rails_multisite development by creating an account on GitHub.This gem provides multi-db support for Rails applications.Using its middleware you can partition your app so each hostname h...
Qurasoft/teams_connector: Publish Cards to your Microsoft Teams channels directly from Ruby.
Welcome to Teams Connector. This gem allows you to easily send messages from your ruby project to Microsoft Teams channels. It integrates in your rails project, when you are using bundler or even in plain ruby projects.The messages can be send syn...
resque/resque: Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later.
Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later. - resque/resque: Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, a...
excid3/noticed: Notifications for Ruby on Rails applications
Notifications for Ruby on Rails applications. Contribute to excid3/noticed development by creating an account on GitHub.Currently, we support these notification delivery methods out of the box:DatabaseEmailActionCable channelsSlackMicrosoft TeamsT...