How I developed a faster Ruby interpreter | Red Hat Developer
Learn about 8 optimization techniques for a faster interpreter in Ruby which I developed using a dynamically specialized internal representation (IR).In this article, I will describe my efforts to implement a faster interpreter for CRuby, the Ruby...
How to deploy multiple Rails apps on a single server with Capistrano – Jan Matuszewski – Business-oriented engineer
Almost everyone uses cloud hosting solutions like Heroku or AWS nowadays(and I don’t expect it to change even after this DHH post). But if you still self-host your apps then Capistrano would be well known to you.My client had an uncommon requireme...
Vanilla Rails authentication with Authentication Zero
Since Rails 3, the framework has shipped its own authentication helper, has_secure_password. This is how Hey/Basecamp, for example, handles authentication. In this tutorial, I want to introduce you to the gem Authentication Zero, which leverages t...
Ruby concurrency is hard: how I became a Ruby on Rails contributor - Closer to Code
For the past several weeks, I've been trying to fix a cranky spec in Karafka integrations suite, which in the end, lead me to become a Ruby on Rails micro-contributor and submitting similar fix to several other high-popularity projects from the Ru...