Discover vulnerabilities across a codebase with CodeQL
Discover vulnerabilities across a codebase with CodeQL, our industry-leading semantic code analysis engine. CodeQL lets you query code as though it were data. Write a query to find all variants of a vulnerability, eradicating it forever. Then shar...
Ruby Learning by Reversing: Series 1 - Native Gems
In this series of posts, I want to look at how to create a native gem for Ruby in C. Actually, it would be more accurate to say – I want to look at how a native gem has been created in C for Ruby. So, I will look at one native gem and we will reve...
Empowering Ruby in the World of Machine Learning - DEV Community
In the ever-evolving landscape of machine learning, a few programming languages have traditionally held the limelight – Python, R, and Julia, to name a few. Yet, nestled in the shadows, the Ruby programming language has been quietly proving its me...
Rodauth, A Authentication for Ruby and Rails – JetRockets
Within the Rails community, we have witnessed a series of transitions and advancements. We have evolved from Bootstrap to Tailwind, replacing JQuery with Backbone and later adopting Stimulus for front-end development. Our deployment practices have...
Ruby on Rails — Introducing the Rails Luminary Awards: Nominations Now Open
Starting at Rails World in October, the Rails Foundation will establish a new tradition of celebrating Rails Luminaries- people who’ve contributed to the Rails ecosystem and community with exceptional code, documentation, enthusiasm, or assistance...
How to Build a Twitter Clone with Rails and Hotwire - DEV Community
Hotwire is fresh out of the Basecamp Github and has set the Rails community ablaze. This quick write up is an update from How to Build a Twitter Clone with rails, ActionCable, and React to show a comparison between the two approaches.Now, this doe...
Are you absolutely sure your Rails caching strategy isn't leaking sensitive information?
Rails writes a new cache entry based on the first request. But what happens when that request is from an admin?Imagine we have a partial that renders a product’s attributes. If the person viewing the product is an admin, we render an additional se...
Active Storage in production: lessons learned and in-depth look at how it works
1. IntroductionIn my company, we lucked out that Rails 5.2 (and Active Storage) was released just before we needed to implement user uploads. This means that we have been using it in production for over 5 years, across 3 different hosts (Heroku, A...