Introducing Racecar – Zendesk Engineering – Medium
At Zendesk we’ve invested heavily in Kafka. We’ve authored the Maxwell MySQL change capture application and the ruby-kafka client library.Today we’d like to announce a new open source project: Racecar. Racecar makes it dead easy to write, configur...
Upcoming built-in Upload Solution for Rails 5.2 (ActiveStorage)
DHH just announced a brand new feature for the upcoming Rails 5.2. This is ActiveStorage.Most simple upload solutions - such as ActiveStorage, and old ones such as the original Paperclip and the vanilla install of Carrierwave - basically set the H...
Working with Facebook using Devise, Omniauth, Koala and Rails 5
First of all, we need to setup our Facebook app. There’s not much to add on this, simply create a new Facebook app if needed. When your app is created, make sure to add the proper app domain. In this case, the app domain will be localhost to allow...