Speed up Rails boot times with Bootsnap (Example) - GoRails
One of the coolest gem that I've seen in a while is bootsnap from Shopify. This gem is actually going to ship with all rails 5.2 applications going forward, it officially got added to the Gemfile even though, of couse, rails 5.2 isn't out yet, you...
Understanding the secret_key_base in Ruby on Rails
Have you ever wondered what the secret_key_base value is and how it’s used in a Rails application? This configuration value was introduced in Rails 4 and is usually defined on a per-environment basis. It’s purpose is simple: to be the secret input...
Introduction to concurrency models with Ruby. Part II
In the second part of our series we will take a look at more advanced concurrency models such as Actors, Communicating Sequential Processes, Software Transactional Memory and of course Guilds — a new concurrency model which may be implemented in R...