Modularizing old monolith - Rails Engines to the rescue!
A few weeks ago, I started researching ways to improve the architecture of my company’s main application, which is fairly old and fairly big (81,980 commits and counting). Over time, many developers have tried to keep it in the best possible shape...
How to Create Custom Scaffold Templates in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails is such a powerful framework. It has its own CLI of which harnesses what are known as “generators”. These generators can quickly scale up resources for your app with a few keystrokes. In this post learn how to create custom scaffold ...
5 Reasons to attend the Balkan Ruby Conference – Mariana Janevska
Since its public release in 1995, Ruby has drawn dedicated coders worldwide. I’ve joined the Ruby community almost 2 years ago, and it is probably the best I’ve been a part of. These past days, during the Balkan Ruby Conference held in Sofia, Bulg...
Serverless Ruby on AWS Lambda with the Jets framework - Twilio
When AWS launched Lambda in 2014 there was no love for Ruby. Platforms like Python, Node.js, and Java started the serverless revolution for hosting and running functions in the cloud. At the end of 2018, support for Ruby was finally launched.You c...
RailsConf & Balkan Ruby 2019: The Past, Present, and Future of Rails at GitHub
On August 15, 2018 GitHub was deployed to production running Rails 5.2. This was a historic event; for years GitHub had been behind Rails and dependent on a custom fork of Rails 2.3. This talk will visit GitHub's past, including our tumultuous rel...